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Nearly 800 million women around the world are illiterate and caught in a cycle of multi-generational poverty. Educating girls enables them to improve their lives and the lives of their children. Rainworks will support girls literacy by donating a portion of all post-sustainability, after tax proceeds to Room to Read, ActionAid and CAMFED USA. AN EDUCATED GIRL CHANGES HERSELF AND EVERYTHING SHE TOUCHES.


Listen to UK ActionAid’s Inspired Remix of the Empowering Female Anthem, “I’m Every Woman”.  View ActionAid's Video here!


1/6 of the world’s population don’t have water fit to drink. Each day, 6000 of them, mostly children, die from waterborne diseases and unsafe drinking water. Rainworks will support clean water programs by donating a portion of all post-sustainability, after-tax proceeds to and charity:water. SAFE DRINKING WATER IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT.


Rainworks will also benefit select family and children’s literacy programs in the US.








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